This exercise was used as
activity to make the practical exposure of Working
Capital Leverage and Maximum
Permissible Banking Finance to the students.
Part 1
Participants should divide
into teams of 5 and then choose a Bank for the Analysis by collect financial
statements for 2 years from the prescribed websites.
Part 2
Team members were given 1
week time for the Analysis under the Faculty Guidance to Calculate the Working
capital leverage and Maximum Loans that can be granted According to TANDON
Part 3
On 26th Monday
students have to create the report of the Analysis done by them and present it
in front of the class.
This activity would
practical expose the students towards the Banking sector Working capital and
the way the bank Grants the loan to different organisation based on the working
capital which was regularised by RBI from 1997 and framework was done by TANDON
This activity was
conducted by Prof. Raghu.N
It was very nice activity