Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Chiguru - Management Fest was conducted on 12-03-2016

Department organized a inter collegiate management fest on 12-03-2016. Over 100 students form 20 different colleges participated in the various events. The activities included sports, cultural and management. Management activities like Product Launch, Case study analysis, Business Plan presentation, Quiz and best manager were organized. The winners were awarded with cash prize and certificates.

Research Centre and Department Library Inauguration on 25-02-2016

Department of Management & Centre for Research was inaugurated  on 25-02-2016, in the presence of Dr. U.T. Khader, Minister for Health and Family welfare, Govt. of Karnataka, Dr. Srinivasa Gowda, Former - Dean, Centre for developmental studies, Mysore University, Mr. Sangeet Vargheese, Entrepreneur and young leader, Shri D.K. Mohan, Chairman, Dr. Suresh L, Principal, Dr. D.R. Rajashekhara Swamy, Director, Dr. A.Anuradha, HoD, MBA, Cambridge Institute of Technology.  

Department also launched the news letter buy name 'Akaksha'.

Dr. Srinivasa Gowda, Former - Dean, Centre for developmental studies, Mysore University, delivered a lecture on significance of research for the management students and lecturers. He stressed upon the importance of research in academics and encouraged all the participants to publish research papers and articles. 

Visit to Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) Yard, Yeswanthpur

 Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) Yard

On 6th of May, 2016, 60 students of I year MBA visited the APMC yard situated in Yeswanthpur. The students went in two college buses accompanied by 4 staff members, Mr Murali, Mr Vijay, Mr. Tejas and Mr. Rakesh. The objective was to witness first-hand the workings of the market.

The APMC yard was established in 1955 in 8 acres of land catering to 699 villages in and around Bangalore. The APMC yard was established to provide an organized market place to farmers and to ensure that they are not exploited at the hands of unscrupulous buyers. It acts as both primary market (market for farmers and traders) and tertiary market (market for traders). 52% of the revenue is due to the primary market making it one of the biggest primary markets in the country.

The APMC yard is run by a team of elected representatives consisting of 18 members. The chairman and the vice chairman are elected directly by the member farmers while the other members are representatives of Government, traders, research institute. They meet every month to decide on the working of the yard, and other issues. The committee has 2 women representatives.

Mr. Kumara Swamy, Additional Secretary, led the students through the presentation about the working of APMC market. The session started with questions about what a market is, difference between market, market yard and market area. The session was very interesting and provided insight into the need of APMC to farmers, the bidding process for perishable goods, the e-auction service, the financial transactions, the working of raithara santhe, etc.

Students were surprised to know that the market deals with 112 commodities and around Rs. 5792 lakhs is the financial revenue. Student was also astounded to know that during peak season the yard handles around 83999 tonnes of goods. The yard has 25 supervisory, 43 administrative staff to handle the smooth working of the yard. Also the farmers are issued identity cards and the traders have to get license to trade in APMC yard. There are 1813 licensed traders, 1462 importers, 1289 exporters and 1001 retail traders. The farmers are provided with basic facilities like accommodations, canteens, toilet etc.

The sales happen through mutual understanding and also bidding process. The farmers, when not happy with the process can reject the bid at any time. The traders once they bid on an item have to purchase the goods or have to face penalty. Thus the market works in safeguarding the farmers interest. The APMC also have also have a revolving fund kept aside to procure perishable goods from farmers when price crashes due to over production.

The students also took active participation by asking questions about the fluctuating price of vegetables, future plans of APMC, how commission rate is different from the market fee collected here in APMC yard, the dispute settlement between traders and farmers if arises. The chairman was patient in clearing all the doubts and further encouraged the student to visit the Yelehanka raithe santhey to know how small farmers are selling directly to consumers in an organized way benefiting both the parties. The price at the santhey is fixed @ 20% lower than other retail markets and 20% higher than the wholesale market.
The visit ended with the walk through the yard and the plan to visit Yelehanka raithe santhey soon.

On 6th of May, 2016, 60 students of I year MBA visited the APMC yard situated in Yeswanthpur. The students went in two college buses accompanied by 4 staff members, Mr Murali, Mr Vijay, Mr. Tejas and Mr. Rakesh. The objective was to witness first-hand the workings of the market.

The APMC yard was established in 1955 in 8 acres of land catering to 699 villages in and around Bangalore. The APMC yard was established to provide an organized market place to farmers and to ensure that they are not exploited at the hands of unscrupulous buyers. It acts as both primary market (market for farmers and traders) and tertiary market (market for traders). 52% of the revenue is due to the primary market making it one of the biggest primary markets in the country.

The APMC yard is run by a team of elected representatives consisting of 18 members. The chairman and the vice chairman are elected directly by the member farmers while the other members are representatives of Government, traders, research institute. They meet every month to decide on the working of the yard, and other issues. The committee has 2 women representatives.

Mr. Kumara Swamy, Additional Secretary, led the students through the presentation about the working of APMC market. The session started with questions about what a market is, difference between market, market yard and market area. The session was very interesting and provided insight into the need of APMC to farmers, the bidding process for perishable goods, the e-auction service, the financial transactions, the working of raithara santhe, etc.

Students were surprised to know that the market deals with 112 commodities and around Rs. 5792 lakhs is the financial revenue. Student was also astounded to know that during peak season the yard handles around 83999 tonnes of goods. The yard has 25 supervisory, 43 administrative staff to handle the smooth working of the yard. Also the farmers are issued identity cards and the traders have to get license to trade in APMC yard. There are 1813 licensed traders, 1462 importers, 1289 exporters and 1001 retail traders. The farmers are provided with basic facilities like accommodations, canteens, toilet etc.

The sales happen through mutual understanding and also bidding process. The farmers, when not happy with the process can reject the bid at any time. The traders once they bid on an item have to purchase the goods or have to face penalty. Thus the market works in safeguarding the farmers interest. The APMC also have also have a revolving fund kept aside to procure perishable goods from farmers when price crashes due to over production.

The students also took active participation by asking questions about the fluctuating price of vegetables, future plans of APMC, how commission rate is different from the market fee collected here in APMC yard, the dispute settlement between traders and farmers if arises. The chairman was patient in clearing all the doubts and further encouraged the student to visit the Yelehanka raithe santhey to know how small farmers are selling directly to consumers in an organized way benefiting both the parties. The price at the santhey is fixed @ 20% lower than other retail markets and 20% higher than the wholesale market.

The visit ended with the walk through the yard and the plan to visit Yelehanka raithe santhey soon.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Guest lecture on CSR Initiatives of TCS by Mr. Joseph Sunil Nallapalli

Guest lecture on CSR Initiatives of TCS by Mr. Joseph Sunil Nallapalli  on 26-04-2016.

We were glad to listen and understand about the CSR initiatives taken up TCS to digitize the rural India from Mr. Joseph Sunil Nallapalli. He addressed our MBA students and staff on various CSR initiatives taken up by TCS.


The following students have participated in the Inter collegiate management fest SIASTRA – 2016 held @ PES University, Bangalore on 17th – 20th March, 2016.

1.       Manjunath KR
2.       Santhosh
3.       Manjula M
4.       Trupti Dinesh Acharya
5.       Khan Farheen Hussain
6.       Govardhana
7.       Jahnavi
8.       Bernard
9.       Vinod Raj

The students have successfully entered the finals and spent 3 days in the camps as part of mock Big boss show.

The students were part of the following activities

1.       Bulls eye – Finance
2.       Third eye – Best Manager
3.       Head Hunters – HR
4.       Cold Eyes – Marketing
5.       Time code – Operations

The department congratulates all the participants.

Paper presentation by MBA students @ WCC Centennial National Colloquium College, Chennai

Paper presentation by MBA students @ WCC Centennial National Colloquium College, Chennai on March 7th & 8th, 2016
MBA II semester students from department of Management & Centre for research have presented the paper in the Inter – Collegiate paper presentation “Public Private Partnership” organized by Women’s Christian College, Chennai on March 7th & 8th, 2016.
Following students have presented paper

1.      Mrs. Ambica Maharaja
2.      Ms Varsha B S
3.      Ms Monisha
4.      Ms Spandana
5.      Ms Bhavya
6.      Ms Ramya

Department of Management congratulates the students and wishes them success in future endeavours

Paper presentation by MBA students @ Dhanraj Baid Jain College, Chennai

Paper presentation by MBA students @ Dhanraj Baid Jain College, Chennai on February 17, 2016

MBA II semester students from department of Management & Centre for research have presented the paper in the Inter – Collegiate paper presentation “MAKE IN INDIA” and got best paper award organized by Dhanraj Baid Jain College, Chennai on February 17, 2016.
Following students have presented paper

1.      Mrs. Ambica Maharaja
2.      Ms Varsha B S
3.      Ms Trupti Acharya
4.      Ms Manjula.

Department of Management congratulates the students and wishes them success in future endeavours

Certification Course on Business Analytics

Certification Course for II SEM MBA on 1st and 2nd March 2016 and IV SEM 3rd and 4th March 2016.
                                                                            Topic: “Business Analytics

A certification course was conducted by Mr Prasidhi Prasad from Praxis Knowledge solution  for two days on Business analytics The session was a learning experience for the students practically how business analytics can be practised and also the feedback of the students was very good since the students were actively involved in the certification course. The certificates were also issued to students. 

Guest Lecture on Stock market Initiatives

Guest Lecture on 16/3/2016

Guest lecture was conducted for II sem MBA Students by Marina Jose for BSE kerala and Karnataka region on the topic “ Investors awareness” on 16-3-2016. It was delivered to make students aware about the investment made by the customers in stock market.

Guest lecture on “Rapid Chain Management”

  Guest lecture on 08/03/2016

                                          Topic: “Rapid  Chain Management

Guest lecture was conducted by Mr Lloyd Sanford Director of Top blue supply chains company on the topic “RAPID CHAIN MANAGEMENT” for both II and IV Semester students of MBA. The guest was welcomed by HOD Dr A Anuradha.

Guest lecture on Toyota Production System

Guest lecture was conducted on 03/03/2016 for 2nd sem MBA Students the guest lecture was welcomed by our Director DR D R Rajashekharaswamy sir . Before the guest lecture questionnaire were given to 2nd sem MBA students to have the idea about Toyota production system. It was conducted by Mr. Y.K Gaur who is having an industry experience especially in production system. He the deliver the lecture on the topic "TOYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM" How to implement other than Car Industry, Advantages and Disadvantages. It will be linked to "How to become World Class".

Guest lecture on Investment and equity markets

Guest lecture on 04/02/2016.
Topic: Investment and equity markets

Guest lecture by Mr. Karthigekyan Regional head Geojit BNP Paris Bengaluru has conducted for 4th Sem MBA students on the topic “Investment and equity markets.

Image result for bnp paribas guest lecture